Lover of the sciences    
      A succinct treatise of popular astronomy: or, that science made plain, easy, and intelligible to eve 網際網路  1780?
Lover of the true interest of his country    
      Awake Sampson, the Philistines are upon thee! or, A caution to England to take heed to her locks, le 網際網路  1696
Watt, George,  
      Tythes ended by Christ with the Levitical priesthood and therefore no maintenance for a Gospel-minis 網際網路  1673
      Tythes ended by Christ with the Levitical priesthood ... ... and ... Cress Wheatley ... the servants 網際網路  1673
Osborne, John,  
      An indictment against tythes, or, Tythes no wages for Gospel-ministers ... 網際網路  1659
      An indictment against tythes: or, Tythes no wages for Gospel-ministers: wherein is declared, I. The 網際網路  1659
      The world to come, or The mysterie of the resurrection opened: in a discourse at Burford in the coun 網際網路  1651
Lover of their precious souls  
      A history of the holy Jesus 網際網路  1803
      A history of the holy Jesus 網際網路  1804
      The New Testament, in verse; or, The history of our Blessed Saviour. Containing a brief account of h 網際網路  1813
      The history of the holy Jesus. Containing a brief account of his birth, life, death, resurrection an 網際網路  1806
35 其他項目  
Lover of this Common-wealth    
      An epitomie of tyranny in the island of Guernzey. Sent in a letter to a person of quality in London, 網際網路  1659
Lover of true English liberty    
      The note-maker noted, and the observer observed upon; or, A full answer to some notes and observatio 網際網路  1743
Lover of true piety, in opposition to enthusiasm    
      Methodism anatomiz'd; or An alarm to Pennsylvania. 網際網路  1763
Lover of truth  
      An address to the Rev. Dr. Alison, the Rev. Mr. Ewing, and others, trustees of the Corporation for t 網際網路  1765
      A letter of admonition from the Congregational Church in Plainfield to their brother Benjamin Allen 網際網路  1808
      A most exact and true relation of the proceedings of His Majesties armie at Shelborne. 網際網路  1642
      Observations on the critique contained in the Edinburgh review for October 1819 of Mr. Owen's plans 網際網路  1819
12 其他項目  
Lover of truth and a friend to its promotion    
      A sermon 網際網路  1817
Lover of truth and a friend to society    
      A real defence of A-l B-'s conduct wherein is clearly exploded the common error so prevalent of cens 網際網路  1756
Lover of truth and a hearty well-wisher to the prosperity of the king and his three kingdoms    
      Plain dealing is a jewel and honesty the best policy both set forth in an answer to a letter receive 網際網路  1682

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