University of Delaware. Music    
      Middle school jazz band students' experiences composing and improvising 網際網路  2016
University of Delaware. Nursing Science    
      Assessing Fall Risks in Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Primary Care : Implementation of STEADI 網際網路  2020
University of Delaware. Ocean Engineering  
      High frequency acoustic propagation under variable sea surfaces 網際網路   
      A numerical study of wind turbine wakes under various atmospheric stability conditions 網際網路  2016
      Sea Mine Burial Prediction for Naval Mine Countermeasures Mission Planning 網際網路  2019
University of Delaware. Physics and Astronomy    
      Electronic Properties of Semiconductors and Energy Materials from Density Functional Theory 網際網路  2019
University of Delaware. Plant and Soil Science  
      Exploring the relationship between trees and stress in the urban environment 網際網路  2014
      Organo-Mineral Associations and Sequestration Mechanisms Impacting Carbon Cycling in Diverse Terrest 網際網路  2019
      Plasmodesmal Regulator PDLP5 Connects Phytohormone Signaling to Symplasmic Transport in Arabidopsis 網際網路  2017
      Pressures, priorities and strategies for tree care across budget restraints 網際網路   
3 其他項目  
University of Delaware. Political Science and International Relations  
      China's policy towards the South China Sea --- Geopolitics and the international maritime regime 網際網路   
      Interests of international organizations The exogenous-endogenous framework 網際網路  2016
      A nation that is religious Indonesia, the Ahmadiyah, and the state's SARA echoes 網際網路   
      Radioactive Reversal? The Fukushima Accident as a Focusing Event for Comparative Policy Change on Nu 網際網路  2017
      The War of Words? The Role of New Media in State Propaganda and Foreign Policy : The Cases of Russia 網際網路  2020
University of Delaware. Preservation Studies    
      From Egg to Oil : The Early Development of Oil Painting during the Quattrocento 網際網路  2016
University of Delaware. Psychology  
      Examining Links Between an Early Intervention, Attachment, and Peer Relations at Age Nine Among Chil 網際網路  2020
      Language and Categorization in Monolinguals and Bilinguals 網際網路  2017
      Social Media and Smartphone Usage in College Students : Associations with Perceived Relationship Qua 網際網路  2018
      Speaker and Listener Effects on the Processing of Pragmatic Meaning 網際網路  2018
University of Delaware. School of Education  
      The adult learner, professional development, and the literacy coach: An effective professional devel 網際網路   
      Alignment of cognitive demand: Peruvian national assessment, mandated curriculum, teaching and textb 網際網路   
      Applying multimedia learning theories to the redesign of Residence Life online training modules 網際網路   
      Authentic field-based learning experiences for EdD students 網際網路   
67 其他項目  
University of Delaware. School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy  
      Affordability and preservation issues in green rehabilitations of Baltimore rowhouses 網際網路   
      An analysis of the ecological footprint mapping by urban areas as a sustainable development indicato 網際網路   
      The Brightfields Phenomenon : A Study of Critical Success Factors, Barriers and Implications for Sus 網際網路  2018
      Building energy governance in Shanghai 網際網路   
24 其他項目  
University of Delaware. Sociology and Criminal Justice  
      Confined Fathering : An Examination of the Relationship Between Fatherhood and the Desistance Proces 網際網路  2020
      Figuring out the Fixing : Understanding the Underlying Processes for Designing and Implementing Cris 網際網路  2017
      Filial Piety and the Chinese Conception of Rights : An Empirical Study of College Students in China 網際網路  2018
      Male survivors' stories of sexual victimization: Stigma management and a survivor identity 網際網路   
5 其他項目  
University of Delaware. Urban Affairs and Public Policy  
      How consistent are emergency and disaster measurements and scales? 網際網路  2015
      The Structure of Environmental Movements in Small U.S. States and the Implications for Environmental 網際網路  2017

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