Desertion, Military -- South Carolina  
      An act for the more effectual prevention of the desertion of the soldiers and sailors in the service 網際網路  1776
      Extracts from an act to procure recruits and prevent desertion [electronic resource] 網際網路  1782
Desertion, Military -- United States  
      $10 reward! [electronic resource] : Deserted the service of the United States, on or about the 24th 網際網路  1817
      An Act to Aid in the Apprehension of Deserters from the Army and Navy of the United States [electroni 網際網路  1814
      An Act to Aid in the Apprehension of Deserters from the Army and Navy of the United States [electroni 網際網路  1814
      State of Massachusetts-Bay. In the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty. [electron 網際網路  1780
3 其他項目  
Desertion, Military -- Virginia : Virginia   
      An act the more effectually to prevent and punish desertion [electronic resource] 網際網路  1780
Desertion, Naval -- Early works to 1800. -- Great Britain : England and Wales.   
      Two declarations of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament one for the re-payment of forty tho 網際網路  1643
Desertion, Naval -- England -- Early works to 1800 : England and Wales.   
      By the Queene. Where for the seruice of her Maiestie, and her realme, committed to Sir Walter Raleigh 網際網路  1618
Desertion, Naval -- Great Britain  
      By His Excellency Benjamin Fletcher, captain general and governor in chief of Their Majesties provinc 網際網路  1693
      By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esq; ... A proclamation. [electronic resource] : Whereas Capt. Jam 網際網路  1741
      By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esq; ... A proclamation. [electronic resource] : Whereas his majes 網際網路  1741
      By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley Esq. ... A proclamation for the better regulation of seamen and mari 網際網路  1706
8 其他項目  
Desertion, Naval -- Great Britain -- Sources : William   
      A declaration, whereas we have been given to understand, that several untrue and groundless reports, 網際網路  1688
Desertion, Naval -- United States  
      An Act to Aid in the Apprehension of Deserters from the Army and Navy of the United States [electroni 網際網路  1814
      An Act to Aid in the Apprehension of Deserters from the Army and Navy of the United States [electroni 網際網路  1814
Great Britain. Army -- Desertions : United States.   
      A Bill Entitled An Act to Authorize a Donation in Land to Persons in the Military or Naval Service of 網際網路  1814
Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Desertions -- Early works to 1800  
      Act against run-awayes, masterlesse men, and those who travels without testimonials. [electronic reso 網際網路  1640
      An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament: [electronic resource] : authorizing th 網際網路  1645
      An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, [electronic resource] : concerning tho 網際網路  1645
      An ordinance of the Lords & Commons assembled in Parliament, [electronic resource] : enabling commiss 網際網路  1645
      An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. [electronic resource] : Giving power t 網際網路  1646
United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 -- Desertions  
      An act the more effectually to prevent and punish desertion [electronic resource] 網際網路  1780
      In Convention for the State of Pennsylvania. Friday, August 16, 1776. [electronic resource] : Whereas 網際網路  1776
United States -- History -- War of 1812 -- Desertions  
      An Act to Aid in the Apprehension of Deserters from the Army and Navy of the United States [electroni 網際網路  1814
      An Act to Aid in the Apprehension of Deserters from the Army and Navy of the United States [electroni 網際網路  1814
      An Act to Prevent the Apprehension of British Deserters [electronic resource] 網際網路  1814

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