Hedonic and Utilitarian : Zeidan, Saida   
      The Impact of Social Media Display Ad Characteristics on User Engagement : Hedonic, Utilitarian, and 網際網路  2019
Hedonic choice : Mas, Erick M   
      Social Class and Consumer Choice 網際網路  2019
Hedonic consumption : Oh, Tae Seok   
      The Consumer Psychology of Fun 網際網路  2020
Hedonic damages : Baranzini, Andrea   
      Hedonic methods in housing markets [electronic resource] : pricing environmental amenities and segreg 網際網路  2008
Hedonic experience  
      快時尚全通路零售對顧客忠誠度影響之研究 : 顧客購物體驗的觀點 = A study of the influence of fast fashio 總館  2022
      The Consumer Psychology of Fun 網際網路  2020
Hedonic methods : Rivera Casanoba, Nathaly Macarena   
      Three essays on environmental quality with polluting sectors : mining, electricity, and transportatio 網際網路  2018
Hedonic motivation : 簡, 修平,   
      從動機與認同觀點增進球迷成為付費會員意願 = From fans to members : the motivation and identification p 總館  2022
Hedonic price model : 鄭喬云,   
      新店安坑輕軌對鄰近住宅價格之影響 = The impact of the Xindian Ankeng Light Rail on the housing prices 總館  2024
Hedonic pricing : Bain, Ryan Andrew   
      Essays on Commodities and Consumer Goods Price Formation 網際網路  2020
Hedonic purchase motivation : 高興東,   
      以享樂購物動機探討Z世代對於盲盒的購買意願 = Exploring Generation Z's willingness to buy blind boxes w 總館  2023
Hedonic value  
      以地理實境解謎探究空間自我效能、遊戲焦慮、心流體驗、體驗價值與地方認同之相關研究 = Using a geographic 總館  2024
      遠距體適能競賽之相關研究 = The relation of physical fitness in remote competition / 張聖淵撰 總館  2023
      利用AI工具協助高中生英文寫作能力之後設認知力、科技創新意識、自我效能、趣味與求知價值及學習表現提升 = 總館  2024
      Mental Accounting and Unplanned Purchases in Online Booking : The Role of Discount, Impulse Buying, a 網際網路  2019
      享樂的藝術 : 欲望的快樂科學 / 米歇.翁福雷(Michel Onfray)著 ; 劉漢全譯. 總館  2005
      L'art de jouir : pour un matérialisme hédoniste / Michel Onfray 總館  1991
      The birth of hedonism : the Cyrenaic philosophers and pleasure as a way of life / Kurt Lampe 總館  2015
      Happiness for humans [electronic resource] / Daniel C. Russell 網際網路  2013
2 其他項目  

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