Virtual assistant skills : Fischer, Michael Henry   
      End-User Programming of Virtual Assistant Skills and Graphical User Interfaces 網際網路  2020
Virtual avatars : 陳芷瑩,   
      虛擬替身容貌影響線上公開演說焦慮感及持續使用意願之研究 = The effects of avatar appearance on online p 總館  2023
Virtual brand community : McClure, Samantha   
      Brand Engagement in Relation to the Elements of Uses and Gratifications Theory through Participation 網際網路  2016
Virtual care : Callahan, Ruby   
      COVID-19 as a Catalyst for Telehealth : Using Public Relations to Assist in Widespread Public Adoptio 網際網路  2021
Virtual character image : 陳品吟,   
      人工智慧衣著配色生成與形象感知之研究 = A study of artificial intelligence dress color theme and chara 總館  2024
Virtual choir : 黃, 郁倫,   
      創價太平洋合唱團的虛擬合唱計畫<母親>之實作歷程研究 = A practical procedure study of the virtual choir 總館  2021
Virtual classrooms : Keengwe, Jared,   
      Handbook of research on learner-centered pedagogy in teacher education and professional development [ 網際網路  2017
Virtual clothing : 林依蒨,   
      羅蘭巴特流行體系公式創作生成式AI時尚的實驗 : 慈禧太后與維多利亞女王的虛擬時尚對話 = Experimenting wit 總館  2024
Virtual coaching  
      A Correlational Study between Managerial Coaching Approach and Communication Medium, and Coachee Curi 網際網路  2019
      Perspectives of Elementary Teachers Implementing Blended Learning While Participating in Virtual Coac 網際網路  2020
      Virtual Coaching in Elementary Schools 網際網路  2020
Virtual collaboration  
      Analyzing digital discourse and human behavior in modern virtual environments [electronic resource] / 網際網路  2016
      Collaborative models for librarian and teacher partnerships / Kathryn Kennedy and Lucy Santos Green, 網際網路  2014
      Exploring Knowledge Exchange, Knowledge Sharing, and Responsible Leadership Differences Among Medical 網際網路  2021
      Managing risk in virtual enterprise networks [electronic resource] : implementing supply chain princi 網際網路  c2010
      Successful Implementation of Virtual Collaboration Technology 網際網路  2019
Virtual collaborations : Herciu, Lucian   
      The Impact of Virtual Collaboration Attributes on Business Strategy Alignment 網際網路  2020
Virtual communications in education : Baggio, Bobbe,   
      Analyzing digital discourse and human behavior in modern virtual environments [electronic resource] / 網際網路  2016

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