8113807 : Allen, Harris Grover   
      Extracurricular programs of the public high schools of Idaho / Harris Grover Allen 總館; T(D) 8113807   1981
8114041 : Fisher, John Stephen   
      Political education : the views of Michael Oakeshott and Paulo Freire / John Stephen Fisher 總館; T(D) 8114041   1990
8114263 : Holst, Gary Lee   
      Analysis of the importance and practice of the elements typical of a successful cooperative education 教育系; T(D) 8114263   1980
8114436 : Im, Kaye Soon   
      The rise and decline of the Eight Banner Garrisons in the Ch'ing period (1644-1911) : a study of the 歷史所; T(D) 8114436   1981
8114439 : Johnson, Michael Neal   
      Liberal democratic theory and issues of eqality of educational opportunity / Michael Neal Johnson 總館; T(D) 8114439   c1980
8114660 : Clifford, Craig Edward   
      On the essence and danger of technology : Plato on sophistic technique and Heidegger on modern techno 總館; T(D) 8114660   1981
8114671 : Ermler, Kathy Loren   
      the relationship of existential freedom to symbolic death in sport / Kathy Loren Ermler 總館; T(D) 8114671   1980
8114790 : Blazer, Dan G.   
      Social support and mortality in an elderly community population / Can German Blazer 衛教所; T(D) 8114790   1989
8114923 : Davis, Thomas Larry   
      Personality type, leadership style and leadership training : a study of secondary school principals / 總館; T(D) 8114923   1981
T(D) 8114941 : Grubbs, Jerry Cornelius   
      A study of faculty members and students in selected midwestern schools of theology to determine wheth 成教中心; T(D) 8114941   1993
8114972 : Bauer, Barry Ralph   
      A comparison of the performance of adult students in competency-based and traditional academic curric 總館; T(D) 8114972   1981
8115110 : Grant, Norman Gene   
      the status of physical education, intercollegiate athletics and intramurals in ohio's community colle 總館; T(D) 8115110   1981

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