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關鍵字 (49-60 之 82)
Other relevant titles條目 3-82
49 Interactions of the quorum sensing regulator TraR of Agrobacterium tumefaciens with DNA and RNA polyWhite, Catharine Elizabeth 相關連結
50 Characterization ofaPP derived miniature proteins [electronic resource]Woronowicz, Kamil 相關連結
51 A solid state deuterium NMR study of local dynamics of DNA with TpA junctions [electronic resource]Lo, Karen 相關連結
52 Mechanisms of radiation sensitivity: A role forp53 in the regulation of double-strand break repair Mazzatti, Dawn Jennae 相關連結
53 Regulation of sialic acid metabolism [electronic resource]Kalivoda, Kathryn Antoinette 相關連結
54 Energetics of folding and DNA binding of the homeodomains [electronic resource]Li, Zhenlan 相關連結
55 Condition-specific transcription factor binding in yeast and human [electronic resource]McCord, Rachel Patton 相關連結
56 Specific recognition of DNA by natural transcription factors and miniature protein mimics [electroniMontclare, Jin Kim 相關連結
57 Structural analysis of nuclear receptor interaction complexes [electronic resource]Devarakonda, Srikripa 相關連結
58 X-ray crystallographic studies of transcription regulation: Activation: The CAP-alphaCTD-DNA complexBenoff, Brian Eric 相關連結
59 Biomolecular recognition: From cyanine dye-DNA complexes to recyclable enzymes [electronic resourceCao, Rong 相關連結
60 Mass spectrometric analysis of UV-crosslinked protein-nucleic acid complexes [electronic resource]Doneanu, Catalin Emilian 相關連結
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