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關鍵字 (61-72 之 82)
Other relevant titles條目 3-82
61 The dimerization zinc finger domain [electronic resource]McCarty, Aaron Steven 相關連結
62 Quantitative aspects of SPR spectroscopy and SPR microscopy: Applications in protein binding to immoShumaker-Parry, Jennifer Sue 相關連結
63 From structure to genetics and back: Using the LAC repressor to study protein-DNA interactionsMilk, Leslie 相關連結
64 Mimicking alpha-helical transactivation domains with hydrogen bond surrogate derived artificial alphHenchey, Laura K 相關連結
65 Single-Molecule Studies of Novel Protein-DNA InteractionsEtson, Candice M 相關連結
66 DNA-functionalized gold nanoparticles: Properties and applications in materials assembly, biodiagnosXu, Xiaoyang 相關連結
67 Statistical Aspects of ChIP-Seq Data AnalysisMayba, Oleg Sergeyevich 相關連結
68 Methods for the detection of protein -nucleic acid and protein -protein interactionsStains, Clifford I 相關連結
69 Biochemical regulations of the RecA protein in the radioresistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans Ngo, Khanh V 相關連結
70 Partition models for variable selection and interaction detectionJiang, Bo 相關連結
71 Synthesis and Biological Studies of DNA-Binding Cyclic Py-Im PolyamidesLi, Benjamin Chun Yeung 相關連結
72 Viral modulation of host factors for viral infectivityWeber, Erin Leigh 相關連結
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