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關鍵字 (505-514 之 514)
Other relevant titles條目 209-514
505 Fleshly embodiments: Early modern monsters, Victorian freaks, and twentieth-century affective spectaOrning, Sara E. S 相關連結
506 'Sole author, I': isolation and the devotional self in early modern English literatureHolmes, Caitlin Cornell 相關連結
507 Eros and eikos mythos: Love and plausibility in Shakespeare's "Sonnets"Zervos, Petros 相關連結
508 Promises of modern Renaissance: Italian presences in Chinese modernityAnderson, Kyle David 相關連結
509 The Spirit of Marlowe: Creating an ethics on the English Renaissance stageBianco, Marcie 相關連結
510 The Poetics of Pestilence: Plague-Time and the Writing Culture in Early Modern EnglandAustin, Jodie 相關連結
511 The Marvelous Tale of Alis de Tesieux: Revenants, Reformation, Reform, and Revolving Meaning in a SiDolias, Erin Glunt 相關連結
512 Spiritual homosociality in English Renaissance dramaKo, Hyundong 相關連結
513 The Passion of Christ in Seventeenth-Century Religious Poetry: Crashaw, Donne, Herbert, LanyerHasselbach, Sara Elizabeth 相關連結
514 The mystification of Christian salvation: On the Anxiety of Redemption in Renaissance Poetry and DraAmbroziak, Kimberly Paige 相關連結
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