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關鍵字 (277-285 之 285)
277 Sonic Affects: Experimental Electronic Music in Sound Art, Cinema, and PerformanceHutson, William Moran 相關連結
278 Constructing the Russian Moral Project through the Classics: Reflections of Pushkin's "Eugene OneginErken, Emily Alane 相關連結
279 Another Way of Being: The Performative Practices of Contemporary Female Colombian ArtistsGontovnik, Monica 相關連結
280 From the avant-garde to the popular: A history of Blue Man Group, 1987--2001Harrick, Stephen 相關連結
281 Overacting: Mass Performance during the Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966--1976)Wang, Tuo 相關連結
282 Performing in dark times: Theatre in Nazi concentration campsKreilkamp, Emmy Elizabeth 相關連結
283 Researching the actor's process through performanceChang, Kenneth 相關連結
284 Theatre for Young America: A historyBernal, Anthony John, II 相關連結
285 Common Ground: Performing Gay Shame, Solidarity and Social ChangeWinn-Lenetsky, Jonah Ari 相關連結
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