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關鍵字 (37-47 之 47)
Other relevant titles條目 8-47
37 The relationship of subject variables to BASIS-A and SCL-90 scores for sex offenders court mandated Di Pietro, Roger David 相關連結
38 Validation of the Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment Protocol (JSOAP-II) for predicting sexual and nonPetersen, Jodi 相關連結
39 Pornography in the lives of sexually reactive children and adolescents [electronic resource]Alexy, Eileen M 相關連結
40 Psychopathy and sex offender treatment: PCL-R total and factor scores and their relationship to treaBoyd, Amy Rochelle 相關連結
41 Female adolescent perpetrators versus non-perpetrators: A comparative study of personality factors/Constantine, Nicholas James 相關連結
42 Depictions of sex offenders in the television show, Law and Order: SVUGuevara Corriere, Karla 相關連結
43 Violations of Protection Orders: Characteristics of Offenders and Criminal Justice OutcomesHenderson, Kelly E 相關連結
44 Public perception of juvenile offenders: A comparative analysis of public biases to official statistWaldenmaier, Stephanie 相關連結
45 No halos for sex offenders: An examination of the effects of appearance and gender on the perceptionAustin, Adam Charles 相關連結
46 Internet Rapist: The Exploratory Study of an Emerging PredatorCarlile, Alison 相關連結
47 ADHD and Its Role in Juvenile Sex Offending: Factors Associated with Deviant and Nondeviant Sexual OMcCall, Picolya 相關連結
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