University of California, Davis. Genetics  
      Analysis of the genomics of Pratylenchus vulnus, a plant parasitic nematode, and its interaction wit 網際網路   
      A Bioinformatic Investigation of Off-Target Binding Events of Engineered DNA-Binding Proteins and Ap 網際網路   
      Dual functions of yeast 14-3-3 protein Bmh1 in life span regulation 網際網路   
      Genetic and molecular mapping studies on a population derived from Vitis vinifera x Muscadinia rotun 網際網路   
2 其他項目  
University of California, Davis. Geography  
      Changing Landscapes, Shifting Values: A Political Ecology of the Rural-Urban Interface 網際網路   
      Civic Engagement Unbound Social and Spatial Forms of Inclusion/Exclusion in Low-Income and Multiethn 網際網路   
      Crop Classification Using Sentinel-2A Satellite Observations and Support Vector Machine Algorithm Ov 網際網路  2019
      Cultural Competency in Environmental Design and Planning : Building Relationships with California's 網際網路  2015
13 其他項目  
University of California, Davis. Geology  
      Applications of fault modeling and remote sensing for hazard analysis, decision support and disaste 網際網路   
      Differentiating Metamorphic Events using Titanite Petrochronology in the Sierra de Pie de Palo, NW A 網際網路  2016
      Multi-stage Metamorphism of Amphibolite in Franciscan Melange, Ring Mountain, California 網際網路   
University of California, Davis. German  
      The language of the urban street in German culture 網際網路   
      Studies in Literary Resonance : Novalis, Tiutchev, Hoffmann, Odoevsky and Rousseau 網際網路  2014
      Teaching cases to L2 German and Russian learners: A Cognitive approach 網際網路   
University of California, Davis. Health Informatics  
      Different Patterns of Cortical Alterations in Autism with and without Comorbid Intellectual Disabili 網際網路   
      A Multi-Case Study of Health Interoperability and a Unique Master Patient Identifier in the Private 網際網路  2016
University of California, Davis. Health Informatics (formerly Medical Informatics)  
      Designing a Mobile Health Data Service for Rural China 網際網路   
      Developing a Social Network Web Application for Influenza Surveillance 網際網路   
      Expanding Access to Psychiatrists in the United States Through Indirect Consultations 網際網路  2016
      Exploring Blockchain as a Solution for Health Information Exchange and Interoperability 網際網路  2019
4 其他項目  
University of California, Davis. History  
      Ambiguities of conquest: Indians and missionaries in Alta California, 1769--1834 網際網路   
      Between Law and Diplomacy International Dispute Resolution in the Long Nineteenth Century 網際網路  2015
      History and Terror : Post-War Leningrad (1945-1953) in Memoirs and Diaries 網際網路  2019
      Idle consumers or productive workers: Leisured ladies in the urban commercial culture and the discou 網際網路   
4 其他項目  
University of California, Davis. Horticulture and Agronomy  
      Balancing Ecological and Agricultural Production Outcomes Provided by Riparian Areas in Grazed Lands 網際網路  2019
      California Municipal Forest Health Threat Assessment 網際網路   
      Can biochar mitigate nitrogen losses in organic farming systems? 網際網路   
      Characterization of Clomazone Resistance and Control in Leptochloa fusca spp. fasicularis Population 網際網路  2019
19 其他項目  
University of California, Davis. Human Development  
      Exploring Associations of the Diathetic Variability in Internalizing and Externalizing Developmental 網際網路   
      Exploring Predictors of and the Influences of Parenting Stress on Family Functioning 網際網路   
      Intensive Semantic Memory Training: A Comparison to Traditional Episodic Memory Therapy in TBI 網際網路   
University of California, Davis. Hydrologic Sciences  
      The Analysis and Synthesis of River Topography 網際網路   
      Assessing the Groundwater Contamination Risk of Drywell-Induced Stormwater Infiltration Using Analyt 網際網路  2017
      Automated Analysis of River Habitat Connectivity and Fish Stranding Risks 網際網路  2020
      Decision Support Tool for Water Management and Environmental Flows: Mill Creek Case Study 網際網路   
6 其他項目  
University of California, Davis. Immunology  
      Aging, Obesity, and Inflammation: Impact of Pre-existing Inflammatory Profiles on Cancer Immunothera 網際網路   
      Disabling the C12L and B8R genes of vaccinia virus synergistically enhances safety and efficacy of t 網際網路   
      Environmental and genetic factors affecting immune development 網際網路   
      The Impact of Host Factors on the Regulation of the Pd-1/Pd-L1 Pathway on T Cells 網際網路  2020
      The Impact of Obesity on Graft-Versus-Host Disease Outcomes after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell 網際網路  2018
University of California, Davis. Individual    
      Walking on Two Legs 網際網路   

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