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標題 (13-24 之 292)
13 Agrarian Transition in the Uplands of Central Vietnam : Drivers of Market-Oriented Land-Use and LandSaylor, Kirk 2019 相關連結
14 Alignment of Indonesian Curriculum with Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS)Mulyani, Petra Kristi 2021 相關連結
15 All It Takes Is One Person : First-Generation Hmong Women's Educational ExperiencesThao-Yang, Theresa 2021 相關連結
16 Allies or Adversaries? The Authoritarian State and Civil Society in Environmental Governance : A CasWallace, Jennifer L 2017 相關連結
17 Analysis of Options by Context for Scaling Agroforestry in Northwest VietnamNguyen, Mai Phuong 2020 相關連結
18 Antecedents and consequences of brand community image : Research from Vietnam's alcohol industryHo, Phu Hai 2017 相關連結
19 Apanola Atolan Pah Mollo at the Margin : Power, Development, and Ngo-State Relationship in West TimoRasyadian, Yuda 2020 相關連結
20 Assessing Quality of Life for the Urban Inhabitants of Classical Angkor, Cambodia (C. 802-1432 CE)Goldberg, Sophie Clare Gabriella 2019 相關連結
21 Assessing the Impact of Industrial Wastewater Reuse as a Demand-Side Management Strategy for PotableSopian, Nini Fatahna Muhamad 2019 相關連結
22 An Assessment of Citizen Participation in Decentralized Service Delivery : The Case of VietnamDuong, Diep Thi Ngoc 2017 相關連結
23 The Association Between Self-reported History of Experiencing Violence & Mental Health Status among Kim, Rayne S 2019 相關連結
24 Associations between Young Maternal Age at Pregnancy and Birth Size, Growth, and Cognitive DevelopmeYu, Soo Hyun 2019 相關連結
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