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標題 (13-24 之 474)
13 Airborne laser quantification of Florida shoreline and beach volume change caused by hurricanes [eleRobertson, William, V 相關連結
14 Alaska shorefast ice: Interfacing geophysics with local sea ice knowledge and useDruckenmiller, Matthew L 相關連結
15 Analyses of sea surface height, bottom pressure and acoustic travel time in the Japan/East Sea [elecXu, Yongsheng 相關連結
16 An analysis of cyclic tidal deposits: Statistical time series properties, extraction of Earth-Moon pCoughenour, Christopher Lynn 相關連結
17 An analysis of the environmental physical conditions during Karenia brevis blooms on the West FloridMaze, Grace Marie 相關連結
18 Analysis of the upper ocean response to hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico using satellite observationGierach, Michelle Marie 相關連結
19 Analytical and Numerical Modeling of Long Term Changes to Tides, Storm Surge, and Total Water Level Familkhalili, Ramin 2019 相關連結
20 Anomalous Structures of Oceanic Turbulence : Dynamics, Energetics, TransportRudko, Mykhailo 2017 相關連結
21 Anthropogenic Impacts on Air Pollution - From Primary Marine Emissions to Secondary Organic Aerosol Peng, Weihan 2020 相關連結
22 Application of Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) to Remotely Operated VeRuby, Caitlin A 2017 相關連結
23 The Application of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition to Numerically Modeled and Measured Ocean SurfaceKammerer, Andrew Joseph 2017 相關連結
24 Application of satellite laser altimetry data to studies of sea ice properties and processesKurtz, Nathan Timothy 相關連結
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