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標題 (445-456 之 474)
445 A tropical perspective on Plio-Pleistocene climate evolution and new application of the alkenone seaCleaveland, Laura Chandler 相關連結
446 Tropical warm pool rainfall variability and impact on upper ocean variability throughout the Madden-Thompson, Elizabeth J 2016 相關連結
447 Turbulence and Internal Waves in tidal flow over topographyGayen, Bishakhdatta 相關連結
448 Turbulent coherent structures near coastal capes [electronic resource]Magaldi, Marcello G 相關連結
449 A two-phase flow approach for sediment transport [electronic resource]Hsu, Tian-Jian 相關連結
450 Two Topics in Data Analysis : Sample-based Optimal Transport and Analysis of Turbulent Spectra from Kuang, Simeng Max 2017 相關連結
451 Two-Way Feedback Between Air-Sea Turbulent Fluxes and Oceanic Submesoscale ProcessesChen, Xu 2018 相關連結
452 Typhoon generated surface gravity waves measured by NOMAD-type buoysCollins, Clarence O., III 相關連結
453 UAS-based Quantification of Post-storm Geomorphic Change to a Natural Beach-dune SystemMcFarland, Samantha J 2019 相關連結
454 Ubiquitous zonal bands in subtropical oceans observed from spaceBuckingham, Christian E 相關連結
455 Understanding and predicting changes in North Atlantic Sea Surface TemperatureYeager, S. G 相關連結
456 Understanding Climate Change and Sea Level: A Case Study of Middle School Student Comprehension and Millan-Otoya, Juan C 相關連結
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