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標題 (61-72 之 474)
61 Characterization of the Acoustic Field in Marine Environments with Anthropogenic NoiseGuan, Shane 相關連結
62 Characterizing the Magnetic Signature of Internal WavesNieves, Eric 2017 相關連結
63 The chemical composition of sinking particles and their vertical dynamics in the open ocean [electroXue, Jianhong 相關連結
64 Chemical Sensor Development in OceanographyTakeshita, Yuichiro 相關連結
65 Chlorophyll and suspended sediment exchange between central San Francisco Bay and the coastal PacifiMartin, Maureen Ann 相關連結
66 Circulation & Exchange Within Shelf & Estuarine Waters Driven by the Atmosphere, Tides and BuoyancyWertman, Christina Anne 2018 相關連結
67 Circulation and zooplankton retention in the estuarine transition zone of the St. Lawrence Estuary [Simons, Rachel Dora 相關連結
68 Circulation dynamics and larval transport mechanisms in the Florida Big BendTodd, Austin C 相關連結
69 The circulation in the northern South China SeaZhong, Liejun 相關連結
70 Climate Change and Emerging Chemical Contaminants in Marine Organisms : Bioaccumulation, EcotoxicoloMaulvault, Ana Luisa Marques Paixao de Carvalho 2018 相關連結
71 Climate variability and change impacts on coastal environmental variables in British Columbia CanadaAbeysirigunawardena, Dilumie Saumedaka 相關連結
72 Coarse versus eddy-permitting global ocean simulations: Experiments with the UVic Earth System ClimaSpence, John Paul Gordon 相關連結
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