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標題 (73-84 之 474)
73 The coastal boundary layer: Pattern, mechanism, and ecological effects of decreased alongshore transNickols, Kerry Jean 相關連結
74 Coastal hypoxia on the Texas shelf: An ocean observing and management approach to improving Gulf of Mullins, Ruth Louise 相關連結
75 Coastal morphological evolution in the wet and dry zone [electronic resource]Figlus, Jens 相關連結
76 Coastal Ocean Dynamics and Primary Productivity Near Traditional Indigenous Clam Gardens in Fulford Burgess, Frederick 2018 相關連結
77 Coastal ocean studies in southern San Diego using high-frequency radar derived surface currents [eleKim, Sung Yong 相關連結
78 Coastal Sources of Estuarine InflowBrasseale, Elizabeth 2020 相關連結
79 A Comparative Study of Passive versus Dynamic Sea-Level Rise Inundation Models for the Island of KauBezore, Rhiannon 相關連結
80 Complex inner shelf environments: Observations and modeling of morphodynamics and scour processes [Trembanis, Arthur C 相關連結
81 Computing coastal ocean surface currents from infrared and ocean color satellite imagery: MethodologCrocker, Roger Ian 相關連結
82 Computing Ocean Surface Currents from Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar ImageryQazi, Waqas A 相關連結
83 Condos, connectivity, and catch [electronic resource] : Analyzing the state of the Bahamian spiny loCallwood, Karlisa Alicia 2016 相關連結
84 Construction of low-dimensional models of El Nino-Southern Oscillation using empirical orthogonal fuRoulston, Mark Stephen 相關連結
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