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標題 (85-96 之 474)
85 Control mechanisms in nutrient dynamics and biological productivity in the eastern equatorial PacifiPalacz, Artur Piotr 相關連結
86 Controls of Tropical Pacific Rainfall and SST Bases in Global Climate ModelsWoelfle, Matthew D 2018 相關連結
87 Corals and ocean acidification: Insights on reef community development and coral calcification in anCrook, Elizabeth Derse 相關連結
88 Coupled Physical and Phytoplankton Dynamics in Coastal AntarcticaMiguel Carvalho, Ana Filipa 2017 相關連結
89 Coupled sea ice and climate variability from modern observations and proxy reconstructions [electroKinnard, Christophe 相關連結
90 Cross-Shelf Transport and Exchange Between a Temperate Shelf Sea and the North Atlantic OceanRuiz-Castillo, Eugenio 2019 相關連結
91 Data assimilation unit for the general curvilinear environmental modelGarcia, Mariangel 相關連結
92 Deep circulation in the Eastern South Pacific Ocean [electronic resource]Faure, Vincent 相關連結
93 Deepwater sedimentary processes in an active margin, Magdalena submarine fan, offshore Colombia [eleRomero Otero, Gloria Amparo 相關連結
94 Depositing and eroding sediment-driven flows: Turbidity currents [electronic resource]Garcia, Marcelo Horacio 相關連結
95 Depth-integrated, non-hydrostatic model with grid nesting for tsunami generation, propagation, and rYamazaki, Yoshiki 相關連結
96 Depth Profiling Ambient Noise in the Deep OceanBarclay, David Readshaw 相關連結
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