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標題 (97-108 之 474)
97 Deterministic and stochastic internal wave effects on shallow water acoustic propagationReilly-Raska, Laurel Katherine 相關連結
98 Developing Efficient High-Order Transport Schemes for Cross-Scale Coupled Estuary-Ocean ModelingYe, Fei. 2018 相關連結
99 Developing Ocean Color Remote Sensing Algorithms for Retrieving Optical Properties and BiogeochemicaAurin, Dirk Alexander 相關連結
100 Development and application of gravity-capillary wave fourier analysis for the study of air-sea inteMacKenzie Laxague, Nathan Jean 2016 相關連結
101 Development and application of ocean color algorithms for estimating particulate organic carbon in tAllison, David Benjamin 相關連結
102 The development of a computationally efficient high-resolution viscous-plastic sea ice model [electrLemieux, Jean Francois 相關連結
103 Development of an unstructured grid, finite volume eutrophication model for the shallow water coastaLi, Yuepeng 相關連結
104 The Development of Instrumentation and Methods for Measurement of Air-Sea Interaction and Coastal PrReineman, Benjamin D 相關連結
105 Development of sensors and techniques to assess earthquake hazards and submarine slope stability [elBlum, John 相關連結
106 Development of two-dimensional models to estimate nearshore bathymetry and sediment transport [electSplinter, Kristen D. M 相關連結
107 Developments in seasonal Atlantic basin tropical cyclone prediction [electronic resource]Klotzbach, Philip J 相關連結
108 Diagenesis in seagrass vegetated sediments: Biogeochemical processes on diurnal time scales [electroHebert, Andrew Brian 相關連結
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