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標題 (97-108 之 569)
97 Crystal Structure of the Human Cytochrome P450 2C9*8 Genetic VariantKamat, Sumit S 2020 相關連結
98 CXCR4 receptor expression and prostate cancer bone metastasis: Role of stromal cell derived factor-Kukreja, Promil 相關連結
99 Cyclooxygenase-2 and alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase in prostate cancer [electronic resource]Zha, Shan 相關連結
100 Cytochrome P450 3A metabolism in the rabbit lacrimal gland and conjunctiva [electronic resource]Attar, Mayssa 相關連結
101 Cytochrome P4501A1: Is it a suitable biomarker of exposure to dioxin-like persistent organic pollutaCorda, Charlotte Lourdes 相關連結
102 Dawn of a New Era in Sponge Biotechnologyvan Deinsen‐Hesp, Kylie 2021 相關連結
103 The design and delivery of a biodegradable poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid based carrier to the regionRao, Deepa Avasarala 相關連結
104 Design and mechanism study of anti-cancer lytic peptides [electronic resource]Tu, Zhigang 相關連結
105 Design evaluation for pharmacokinetic studies in patients with renal impairment [electronic resourceLiu, Jin 相關連結
106 Design of membrane-lytic peptides [electronic resource]Haas, David H 相關連結
107 Determinant of reinforcing efficacy of phenyltropanes: Onset of dopamine transporter occupancy [eleWee, Sunmee 相關連結
108 Determination of Functional Activity of Sodium Glucose Transporters in CancerSilverman, Matthew John 相關連結
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