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標題 (169-180 之 4459)
169 ananda's path to becoming an Arahat: How he overcame the Ten Fetters to attain the four stages of eOw, Gary 相關連結
170 Anaphors and the missing linkGagnon, Michael Roland 相關連結
171 The anarchist concept of community in the thought of Bataille, Blanchot and Nancy (Georges Bataille,Kiefte, Barend 相關連結
172 Ancient dharmas, modern debates: Towards an analytic philosophy of Buddhism [electronic resource]Goodman, Charles Andrew 相關連結
173 The ancient quarrel unsettled: Plato and the erotics of tragic poetryBartscherer, Thomas Luke 相關連結
174 Andre Bazin's "Ontology of the Photographic Image": Representation, Desire, and PresenceRifkin, Stephen J 相關連結
175 Androgyny as salvation in early Christianity [electronic resource]Wallace, Donna Kennon 相關連結
176 Angelic assumption of the body in Thomas Aquinas and scriptureGilhooly, John Richard 相關連結
177 Animal rights and wrongs: A critique of Singer and Regan's views of duties to animals [electronic reLeenders, Thomas 相關連結
178 'An animal still': Moral and political philosophy and evolutionary thought in Victorian Britain [elGreen, Terence 相關連結
179 Animality and laughter: Contributions to a theory at the borders of philosophical discourse (Plato,Privitello, Lucio Angelo 相關連結
180 Animism and Artificial IntelligenceGao, Xindi 2021 相關連結
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