標題 (25-36 之 59)
25 Late-Holocene vegetational history of a subtropical mountain in Southeastern ChinaQiu, Hong-lie 1993 相關連結
26 Late quaternary vegetation, climate, fire history, and GIS mapping of Holocene climates on southern Brown, Kendrick Jonathan 相關連結
27 Leveraging Paleo, Historical, and Modern Records to Understand the Effects of Management and Fire onKnight, Clarke A Ann Arbor : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2021 相關連結
28 Lithic variability and the cultural elaboration of Upper Pleistocene North ChinaMiller-Antonio, Sari 1992 相關連結
29 Long-Term Population Growth and Food Web Impacts of the Spiny Water Flea (Bythotrephes longimanus) RDeWeese, Nichole Eileen 2020 相關連結
30 Mainland Southeast Asia in the longue duree : A Zooarchaeological Test of the "Broad Spectrum RevoluConrad, Cyler Norman 2018 相關連結
31 Marine Export Productivity and the Demise of the Central American SeawayTrumbo, Samantha Kathleen 相關連結
32 A microfacies study of the sedimentology and diagenesis of the Formosa Reef Limestone (Middle DevoniKim, Kyou Ho 1992 相關連結
33 Millennial-scale variations and centennial-scale events in the southwest Asian monsoon: Pollen evideShen, Caiming 相關連結
34 Miocene lake basin analysis and comparative taphonomy : Clarkia (Idaho, U.S.A.) and Shanwang (ShandoYang, Hong 1993 相關連結
35 Molecular and isotropic signals of environmental/climatic changes in modern and ancient hypersaline Wang, Ruiliang 相關連結
36 A Multi-Proxy Analysis of Australopithecus anamensis Paleoecology in the Omo-Turkana BasinDumouchel, Laurence 2018 相關連結

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