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標題 (49-59 之 59)
49 Stable isotope compositions and amino acid preservation in Mercenaria shells [electronic resource]O'Donnell, Thomas Henry 相關連結
50 Sulfur isotope geochemistry of the Archean sedimentary rocks [electronic resource]Kakegawa, Takeshi 相關連結
51 Taphonomic and Mass-extinction Research from an Ichnological PerspectiveWiest, Logan A 2018 相關連結
52 Taphonomy of fossil whales in diatomaceous sediments of the Neogene Pisco Formation, Peru [electroniEsperante, Raul 相關連結
53 Temporal and spatial patterns at alpine treeline in the Sierra Nevada United States of America: ImpBunn, Andrew Godard 相關連結
54 Temporal Turnover in Late Neogene and Quaternary Mammal AssemblagesJukar, Advait M 2018 相關連結
55 "The beauty that was": Archaeological investigations of ancient Hawaiian agriculture and environmenCoil, James Henry 相關連結
56 Using fossil plants to understand global change: Evidence for Paleocene-Eocene warming in the GreateWilf, Peter Daniel 相關連結
57 Vegetation and climate change in Mianning County, southwestern Sichuan Province, ChinaJarvis, Devra Ivy 1993 相關連結
58 Vegetation-climate relationships across space and time at high elevation in Hawai'iCrausbay, Shelley D 相關連結
59 The When, How and Why of Bivalve Shell Growth : Sclerochronology as a Tool to Understand Physiology Killam, Daniel E 2018 相關連結
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