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標題 (121-132 之 1247)
121 Behavior of organic pollutants in Arctic sediments [electronic resource]Paul, Jessica Marie 相關連結
122 Benzene and toluene mixing ratios in indoor air of homes with attached garages and measurement of reIsbell, Maggie Ann 相關連結
123 Bimetallic nanoparticles for advanced energy conversion technologiesSims, Christopher Michael 相關連結
124 Bio-reduction of gold (III) to gold (0) and nanoparticle formation by oat and wheat biomasses: The Armendariz, Veronica 相關連結
125 Bioanalytical applications of porous polymer monoliths in microfluidic systems [electronic resource]Stachowiak, Timothy Brian 相關連結
126 Bioanalytical Techniques: Homogenous Immunoassays for Estradiol & Arrayed Microsensor for NeurotransTseng, Ting-Chih 相關連結
127 Bioavailability studies of folate in humans [electronic resource]Garbis, Spiros D 相關連結
128 Biocatalytic transformation of steroids using solvent-enhanced Beauveria bassianaGonzalez, Richard 相關連結
129 Biochar characterization and engineeringBrewer, Catherine Elizabeth 相關連結
130 The biochemical study of age-related changes in human retinal pigment epithelium and Bruch's membranMurdaugh, Laura S 相關連結
131 Bioconjugated nanoparticle probes for ultrasensitive DNA detection [electronic resource]Taylor, Jason Roger 相關連結
132 Bioengineering of protein nanotubes and protein-nanomaterial composites [electronic resource]Mudalige, Thilak Kumara 相關連結
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