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標題 (61-72 之 202)
61 Evaluating Electronic Performance Support System in the workplace: The relationship between system Askar, Aadil Ibrahim 相關連結
62 Evaluating Knowledge Transfer, Adult Learning, and the Impact on Navy Laboratory Knowledge ManagemenDamiano, Anthony R 相關連結
63 Evaluating the Impact of Electronic Training on Organizational Performance in an SME Food ManufacturFry, Richard C 相關連結
64 The evolution of police organizations and leadership in the United States: Potential political and sPerry, Alice Elizabeth 相關連結
65 Examination of Louisiana certified public accountants' perceived educational needs related to InternLeJeune, Adena T 相關連結
66 An Examination Of the Effects Of a Video-based Training Package On Professional Staff's ImplementatiFleming, Courtney V 相關連結
67 An Examination of the Predictors of Work Engagement of the Health Care Workforce in Oman and the UAEKhadhuri, Jamal Al 2018 相關連結
68 Examining Taiwanese nursing students at the junior college level's communicative competence when intLi, Hua-Pao 相關連結
69 Expanding leader capability: An exploratory study of the effect of daily practices for leader develoRakoff, Simon 相關連結
70 Expanding the description of facilitators of adult learning: Workplace facilitator teaching styles, Robinson, Laura M 相關連結
71 An experimental study of the effect of addressing non-conscious factors in ethical decision making dHergenrader, Susan M 相關連結
72 Exploration of Nurse and Nurse Leaders' Reports of the Competencies Needed by Rural Registered NurseAnderson, Denise A 相關連結
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