Differentiation of self  
      成年初顯期年輕人無法忍受不確定性、自我分化與心理幸福感之間的關係 : 以自我慈悲為中介變項 = The relatio 總館  2022
      臺灣成年早期個體之身心與關係適應及生活滿意度之關聯性 : 以自我分化為中介變項 = Relationships of psycho 總館  2022
      Secondary Traumatic Stress and Countertransference in Survivor Therapists : The Role of Empathy and D 網際網路  2021
Differentiation (Sociology)  
      Differentiation theory and social change : comparative and historical perspectives / Jeffrey C. Alexa 總館  c1990
      The fractured community : landscapes of power and gender in rural Zambia / Kate Crehan 總館  c1997
      Gaining power and control through diversity and group affiliation / Rick A. Houser and MaryAnna Domok 總館  2004
      Identities and inequalities : exploring the intersections of race, class, gender, and sexuality / Dav 總館  c2007
4 其他項目  
Differentiation (Sociology) -- Germany -- Stuttgart : Kluckmann, Matthias,   
      Situational diversity : understanding modes of migration-driven differentiation in urban neighbourhoo 網際網路  2020
Differentiation (Sociology) -- Scotland -- Glasgow : Kluckmann, Matthias,   
      Situational diversity : understanding modes of migration-driven differentiation in urban neighbourhoo 網際網路  2020
T cells -- Differentiation  
      Co-signal molecules in T cell activation : immune regulation in health and disease / edited by Miyuki 網際網路  2019
      T helper cell differentiation and their function / edited by Bing Sun 網際網路  2014
      Transcriptional control of lineage differentiation in immune cells / edited by Wilfried Ellmeier, Ich 網際網路  2014
Tissues -- Differentiation : Turksen, Kursad,   
      Cell biology and translational medicine. Volume 18, Tissue differentiation, repair in health and dise 網際網路  2023
differently abled : Aljuidan, Hanan Abdulaziz M   
      Building a Collaborative Smartphone Application for Blind and Low Vision Visitors at the Dallas Museu 網際網路  2019
      The texture of identity : the fiction of MG Vassanji, Neil Bissoondath and Rohinton Mistry / Martin G 總館  c2007
      Zur Unüberwindbarkeit kultureller Differenz : grundlagentheoretische Reflexionen / Jochen Dreher, Pet 總館  c2007
Difficult conversations : Gambill, Tony,   
      Getting it right when it matters most : self-leadership for work and life / Tony Gambill and Scott Ca 網際網路  2021
Difficult heritage : 高, 妍妮,   
      博物館的解殖實踐 : 以荷蘭阿姆斯特丹國家博物館為例 = Decolonizing the museum : a case study of the Rij 總館  2022
Difficult-to-cut materials : Nguyen, Dinh Son   
      Tool Wear Mechanism of Difficult-to-Cut Materials 網際網路  2020
      中小學推動學生正向心理健康工作之初探 = An exploration study of implementing positive mental health pr 總館  2023
      國民小學學校防疫人員面對新冠肺炎的壓力、困境與策略 = Elementary school personnel's stress, difficulti 總館  2021
      高中職不分類巡迴輔導現況、困境之研究 : 以花蓮縣為例 = The current situation and difficulties of the c 總館  2021

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