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標題 (73-84 之 2004)
Engineering, Environmental
73 Anaerobic bioassay of methane potential of microalgal biomass [electronic resource]Yen, Hong-wei 相關連結
74 Anaerobic biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [electronic resource]Chang, Wook 相關連結
75 Anaerobic bioremediation of hexavalent uranium in groundwaterTapia-Rodriguez, Aida 相關連結
76 Anaerobic bioventing for treatment of vadose zone soils contaminated with highly chlorinated organicMihopoulos, Phillip G 相關連結
77 Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor (AnMBR) for Treatment of Landfill Leachate and Removal of MicropollutaDo, Anh T 相關連結
78 Anaerobic membrane bioreactor for the treatment of low strength wastewater [electronic resource]Ho, Jae Ho 相關連結
79 Anaerobic phased solids digester (APS-digester) system for biogasification of agricultural and food Zhang, Zhiqin 相關連結
80 Anaerobic wastewater treatment systems under high salinity stress [electronic resource]Yerkes, Douglas Woodford 相關連結
81 Analyses of ship collisions: Determination of longitudinal extent of damage and penetration [electrSajdak, John A. W 相關連結
82 Analysis and evaluation of stormwater quantity and quality performance for three permeable pavement Gruber, Eli 相關連結
83 Analysis and parameterization of the flight of ember generation experimentsHarris, Hillary 相關連結
84 Analysis and simulation of young children's hand and mouthing contact behaviors [electronic resourceAuYeung, Willa Waiying 相關連結
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