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標題 (61-72 之 6131)
Political Science, General
61 Active voice and community engagement: Transforming United States public service media through stratKemmitt, Alicia M 相關連結
62 Activism as a vocation: Social movements in urban Taiwan [electronic resource]Chuang, Ya-Chung 相關連結
63 Activist globalization: How markets, societies and states empower cause-oriented action in transnatiPinto, Rodrigo G 相關連結
64 Activist literacy: Engaging democracy in the classroom and the community [electronic resource]Crisco, Virginia 相關連結
65 Activists in a changing political environment: A microfoundational study of social movements in TaiFan, Yun 相關連結
66 Acts of defiance: Local policy innovation and diffusion in same-sex marriage policyAndrade, Karyn Teressa 相關連結
67 Adam Ferguson on civil society: Enlightenment, community, and the market [electronic resource]Nordeen, Patricia Diane 相關連結
68 Adam Smith and the circles of sympathy [electronic resource]Forman-Barzilai, Fonna 相關連結
69 Adaptation or learning? Identifying parameters of the One China Policy [electronic resource]Lin, Jiang-hong 相關連結
70 Adaptation processes in public agencies: Uncertainty and dynamic capabilities in local governments [Jeserich, Nadine 相關連結
71 Adapting museums to a postmodern environment [electronic resource]Gammage-Tucker, Margaret E 相關連結
72 Adapting to norms at the United Nations: The abortion-rights and anti-abortion networks [electronic Samuel, June 相關連結
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