註記   條目
The counterpoise being thoughts on a militia and a standing army. By W---- T----, Esq; The secon : Thornton, William,  1753 1
The counterpoise: or, B---g and the M-----y fairly stated. By a by-stander.   2
A counterpoison against couetousnes in a sermon preached at Pauls-Crosse, May 23. 1619. By Ier. Dyke   2
Counterpoison against covetousnes   3
Counterpoyson   3
Counterpoyson against couetousnesse : Dyke, Jeremiah,  1619 1
Counterpoyson against covetousnesse   2
Counterpoyson Considerations touching the points in difference between the godly ministers & people : Ainsworth, Henry,  1608 1
Counterpoyson considerations touching the poynts in difference between the godly ministers and peopl : Ainsworth, Henry,  1642 1
Counterpoyson, considerations touching the poynts in difference between the ministers and people of : Ainsworth, Henry,  1642 1
A counterpoyson, or, Soverain antidote against all griefe as also, The benefit of affliction, and ho   2
Counterproductive work behavior : investigations of actors and targets : Fox, Suzy  c2005 1

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