註記   條目
Here after foloweth a dialogue in Englisshe, bytwyxte a doctour of dyuynyte, and a student in the la : Saint German, Christopher,  1531 1
Here after foloweth a dialogue in Englisshe, bytwyxte a doctour of dyvynyte, and a student in the la : Saint German, Christopher,  1531 1
Here after foloweth a litel boke called Colyn Cloute compyled by mayster Skelton poete Laureate : Skelton, John,  1545? 1
Here after foloweth a litle boke called Colyn Clout compiled by master Skelton Poete Laureate   2
Here after foloweth a litle boke of Phillip Sparow. : Skelton, John,  1558? 1
Here after foloweth a litle boke, of Phillip Sparow. Compyled by mayster Skelton poete laureate   2
Here after foloweth a litle boke whyche hathe to name, whye come ye not to courte. Compyled by mayst   2
Here after foloweth a litle booke called Colyn Clout : Skelton, John,  1558? 1
Here after foloweth a litle booke called Colyn Clout compiled by master Skelton Poete Laureate : Skelton, John,  1554? 1
Here after foloweth a litle booke, of Phillyp Sparow, : Skelton, John,  1554? 1
Here after foloweth a litle booke, of Phillyp Sparow, compiled by Mayster Skelto[n] poete laureate : Skelton, John,  1554? 1
Here after foloweth a litle booke, whiche hath to name whi come ye nat to courte compiled by mayster : Skelton, John,  1554? 1

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