作者 (1-9 之 9)
Pacifica Graduate Institute. Depth Psychology
1 Behind locked doors: A research into imaginationBrawner, Brandon L 相關連結
2 The dream poet's pen: A matter of archetypal psychologyColvin, Kim Charisse 相關連結
3 Games as theater for soul: An archetypal psychology perspective of virtual gamesSavett, Susan Mallard 相關連結
4 Golf in the Collective : Playing in Liminal SpaceLauterbach, Jeffrey Robert 2017 相關連結
5 Jung, Heidegger and a phenomenological amplification of Edgliness: An interpretive inquiry into beinShapiro, Jordan 相關連結
6 The language of martial arts: The transformative potential of Brazilian jiu-jitsu through the lens oReusing, Holly McClung 相關連結
7 Literature and its mirroring affect on psyche: The case of Harry PotterMoses, Paula A 相關連結
8 Toward the mouth of the abyss: The indigenous nature of cleft lip and palateWright, Shelley Elizabeth 相關連結
9 Towards depth visioning: A depth psychological investigation of group visioning methodsSullivan, Raymond Robert 相關連結

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