作者 (1-8 之 8)
Pacifica Graduate Institute. Depth Psychotherapy
1 Blood in the water: Tracking the wild grownup in America's lust for the tarnished hero. Depth psychoSignet, Luticia Stoker 相關連結
2 Daughters of Yahweh: Recovering the deep feminine from the Yahweh complexStockman, Susanne Beth 相關連結
3 Embodied Images of Suffering and Individuation in Authentic MovementFladager, Lisa 2020 相關連結
4 The Importance of Embodiment in Psychotherapy with an Emphasis on Sandplay TherapyVosough Gerayeli, Shirin 2019 相關連結
5 Love, hate, and institutional reparation: Inception of psychoanalitic theoriesRegeczkey, Agnes M 相關連結
6 No place like home: The problem and the promise of the home psychotherapy officePrietto, Mario 相關連結
7 Reverie: A portal to the numinous---an exploration into early childhood psychospiritual awarenessWisdom, Victoria 相關連結
8 Woman and Predator : Intimate Partner Violence at Home and in "Bluebeard"Hornung, Kristen Greider 2018 相關連結

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