作者 (1-12 之 13)
The University of Wisconsin - Madison. Mass Communications
1 A Better News Organization: Can nonprofits improve on the commercial news organizations from which tKonieczna, Magdalena D 相關連結
2 Communication technologies, social interactions and campus engagement : Testing a model of communicaKwon, Min-Woo 2014 相關連結
3 A Community of (Hybrid) Practice: Identifying the Cultural Influences of Journalism, Academic ExtensRogers, Camille L 相關連結
4 Contesting Technologies in the Networked Society: A Case Study of Hydraulic Fracturing and Shale DevHopke, Jill E 相關連結
5 Designing Peer-to-Peer Communication Environments to Enhance Wellbeing : A Study of Therapeutic SelfKornfield, Rachel 2018 相關連結
6 Differentiating the applicability of constructs from their accessibility: Returning to a narrow concCacciatore, Michael A 相關連結
7 Don't call it polarization: Rethinking the problem in American politicsMcLaughlin, Bryan 相關連結
8 Examining the Psychological Mechanisms of Cognitive Media Effects : Agenda Setting, Priming, and FraLee, ByungGu 2019 相關連結
9 Global Civic Engagement on Online Platforms: Women as Transcultural CitizensShelat, Manisha 相關連結
10 Media Discourse Surrounding Game Regulation, Online Game Community and Gamers' ParticipationJung, Chang Won 2017 相關連結
11 New Rules for an Old Game: 350.org and Social Movements in the Digital AgeWright, Patrick 相關連結
12 Social Construction of Copyright: The popular production of communication-based legalityThomson, John Crawford, Jr 相關連結

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