作者 (1-8 之 8)
University of California, Davis. Performance Studies
1 The Bharatanatyam Body : Spectacularization as a Style in Bharatanatyam Aesthetics, 1930 to 2020Mahadevan, Deepa 2020 相關連結
2 Bodies at Burning Man: Heterotopia, Temporality, and the Creative Act as Embodied RevolutionNoveroske-Tritten, Linda 相關連結
3 Cuban-American Displacement in South Florida: Exilic RitualsMorejon, Jorge Luis 相關連結
4 Embodying the Rite[s] : Performing Bodies and Somatic Praxis in Vaslav Nijinsky, Pina Bausch, Marie Bryan, Hilary 2018 相關連結
5 Knowing Bodies / Bodies of Knowledge: Eight Experimental Practitioners of Contemporary DanceCurtis, Jess Alan 相關連結
6 Mockmusicals: Parody, Satire, and Musical Comedy at the Turn of the Twenty-First CenturyMcCoy, Christopher M 相關連結
7 Process-Based Aesthetics In a Product-Based World: Somatic Awareness as a Critical Lens on Art-MakinGalin, Nina 相關連結
8 "This Very Body is the Bodhi Tree" : The Performance of Contemplative States in the Western Jahna ReOakes, Sean Feit 2016 相關連結

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