作者 (1-8 之 8)
University of South Carolina. Biological Sciences
1 Applications of Multimedia Resources Developed as Part of the Virtual Cell Animation Collection in UGoff, Eric Edward 2017 相關連結
2 Assessing the Competitive Advantage of Carbonic Anhydrase in Estuarine Microalgae Through Removed EnKnotts, Eilea R 2019 相關連結
3 Climate change and biogeography in the marine intertidal [electronic resource]Jones, Sierra Jenell 相關連結
4 Determining the Population Dynamics And Reproductive Life History of Commercially Important Tunas inHounchell, Katrina C 2017 相關連結
5 Identification and characterization of Her2/Neu-transformed breast cancer stem cells [electronic resGu, Yiben 相關連結
6 Measuring and forecasting environmental conditions from the perspective of rocky intertidal organismSmith, Katherine Allison 相關連結
7 Species responses to climate change and environmental heterogeneity [electronic resource] : A multi-Riley, Megan 2015 相關連結
8 Viral suppression of RNA silencing is mediated by host transcription factor [electronic resource]Endres, Matthew Wayne 相關連結

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