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標題 (1-12 之 139)
1 The Role of Personal Therapy for Chinese-Speaking Music Therapy Students : A Survey = Ge ren zhi liaLiu, Xinrui 2020 相關連結
2 Accessing the Neuromyofascial Web : Embodied Pathways to Healing in Dance/Movement TherapyMandan, Sherry 2018 相關連結
3 African American Sexually Abused Women and the Use of Praise and Worship Dance as a Therapeutic HealGilmore, Tiffany Daonne 2020 相關連結
4 Aiding Chinese Church Leaders in Support of Healthier MarriagesMiller, Vaughn N 2020 相關連結
5 An Application of Roger Ulrich's Methods : Designing a Healing Garden for African American Women LivRogers, Juriel A 2017 相關連結
6 Art Therapy and Body Image: Developing Positive Art Therapy Interventions for Adults with Body ImageSchattie, Amanda Ann Arbor : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2018 相關連結
7 Art Therapy Techniques to Improve Coping Strategies in Children 7-18 Years Old With a Chronic DiseasKulari, Genta 2017 相關連結
8 Art Therapy to Reduce Academic Stress for Elementary Students in Grades Four to SixPak, Amy 2018 相關連結
9 Best Practices for Treating Geriatric Patients with DementiaGerow, Kristel M 2020 相關連結
10 A Biblical-Spiritual Approach to Alleviating Symptoms Associated with Invisible Wounds of War via PeCarentz, Timothy Peter, Sr 2021 相關連結
11 Body and Psyche : The Archetypal Explorations of Symbolism of Trees in TaiwanChen, Hsueh-Chun 2020 相關連結
12 Body of Art : Using Art Therapy to Increase Body Image Satisfaction in Preadolescent GirlsHerman, Yara 2018 相關連結
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