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標題 (1-12 之 48)
1 Applying dendrochronology visual crossdating techniques to the marine bivalve Arctica islandica and Griffin, Shelly Mae 相關連結
2 Astronomical and Stochastic Influences on Lacustrine and Marine Environments during the Cenozoic: CaAswasereelert, Wasinee 相關連結
3 Benthic foraminiferal assemblage analysis as part of the larissa project for barilari bay, western AVerbanaz, Ryan 相關連結
4 Biogeochemical Responses of the Earth System to Massive Carbon Cycle Perturbations and the Cenozoic Komar, Nemanja 2017 相關連結
5 Biogeochemistry and geochemical paleoceanography of the South Pacific Gyre [electronic resource]Dunlea, Ann Genevieve 2016 相關連結
6 Biomarker records of terrestrial organic matter input to the Indonesian Seas 0-30 ka BP: ImplicationHastings, Katherine 相關連結
7 Calcareous nannoplankton as paleoceanographic and biostratigraphic proxies: Examples from the mid-CrKulhanek, Denise Kay 相關連結
8 Caverns Measureless to Man : Interdisciplinary Planetary Science & Technology Analog Research UnderwDaire, Stephen Alexander 2019 相關連結
9 Climate Change in the Pacific North America Region Over the Past Millennium: Development and ApplicaRoach, Lydia Darcy 相關連結
10 Coiling Direction of the Planktic Foraminifer Globorotalia truncatulinoides as a Proxy for ReconstruCaldwell, Andrew D 2018 相關連結
11 Culturing benthic foraminifera to understand the effects of changing seawater chemistry and temperatJennings, Deserae 相關連結
12 Development and paleoceanographic application of planktonic foraminifera-bound nitrogen isotopesRen, Haojia 2010 相關連結
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