標題 (1-12 之 12)
Alcoholism -- Early works to 1800
1 Bacchus bountie [electronic resource] : describing the debonaire dietie of his bountifull godhead, iFoulface, Philip At London : Printed [by T. Orwin] for Henry Kyrkham, and are to be solde at his shop, at the little north dore of Paules Church, at the signe of the black Boy, 1593 相關連結
2 The drunkard's character, or, A true drunkard with such sinnes as raigne in him [electronic resourceYounge, Richard London : Printed by R. Badger, for George Latham, at the Bishops-head in S. Pauls Cuhrchyard [sic], 1638 相關連結
3 Englands bane: or, The description of drunkennesse. Composed and written by Thomas Young, sometimes Young, Thomas London : Printed by W. I[ones] for Thomas Bayly, and are to be sold at his shop in the Middle-row .., [1634] 相關連結
4 Englands bane: or, The description of drunkennesse. Composed and written by Thomas Young, sometimes Young, Thomas, student of Staple Inn London : Printed by William Iones, and are to be sold by Thomas Baylee, at the corner shop in the middle rowe in Holborne, neere adioyning vnto Staple Inne, 1617 相關連結
5 Foure treatises [electronic resource] : tending to disswade all Christians from foure no less hainouDowname, John, d. 1652 At London : imprinted by Felix Kyngston, for William Welby, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Greyhound, 1608 相關連結
6 Foure treatises [electronic resource] : tending to disswade all Christians from foure no lesse hainoDowname, John, d. 1652 At London : Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, for William Welby, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Greyhound, 1609 相關連結
7 Foure treatises [electronic resource] : tending to disswade all Christians from foure no lesse hainoDowname, John, d. 1652 At London : Imprinted by W. Hall and I[ohn] B[eale] for Michaell Baker, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Greyhound, 1613 相關連結
8 The glasse of mans folly [electronic resource] : and meanes to amendment, for the health and wealth B. H., fl. 1595 London : Printed by T. C[reede] for I. H[arrison], 1615 相關連結
9 By the King. A proclamation for the suppressing of disorderly and unseasonable meetings, in taverns England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) London : printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1660 相關連結
10 A strange and true relation of one Mr. John Leech [electronic resource] : who lived in Huntington-ShLondon : printed for Fr. Grant, and are to be sould at the Royal-Exchange, Westminster-Hall, and Fleetstreet, 1662 相關連結
11 The swearer and the drunkard, two brethren in iniquity, arraigned at the bar, or, A charge drawn up Killiray, Matthew London : Printed for W. Thackeray ..., 1673 相關連結
12 A treatise against drunkennesse [electronic resource] : described in its nature, kindes, effects andScrivener, Matthew London : Printed for Charles Brown, bookseller in Cambridge, [1685] 相關連結

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