標題 (1-12 之 15)
Emblems -- Early works to 1800
1 Amorum emblemata [electronic resource] : figuris æneis incisa studio Othonis Væni Batauo-LugdunensisVeen, Otto van, 1556-1629 Antuerpiæ : [Typis Henrici Swingenij] Venalia apud auctorem, [1608] 相關連結
2 Amorum emblemata, figuris æneis incisa studio Othonis VænI Batauo-Lugdunensis. = [electronic resourcVeen, Otto van, 1556-1629 Antuerpiæ : [Typis Henrici Swingenij.] Venalia apud auctorem, M.DC.IIX. [1608] 相關連結
3 The art of making devises: [electronic resource] : treating of hieroglyphicks, symboles, emblemes, æEstienne, Henry, sieur des Fossez London, : Printed by W.E. and J.G., 1646 相關連結
4 The heroicall deuises of M. Claudius Paradin Canon of Beauieu. Whereunto are added the Lord Gabriel Paradin, Claude, 16th cent London : Imprinted by William Kearney dwelling in Adlingstreete, 1591 相關連結
5 The vvorthy tract of Paulus Iouius, contayning a discourse of rare inuentions, both militarie and amGiovio, Paolo, 1483-1552 At London : Printed [by G. Robinson] for Simon Waterson, 1585 相關連結
6 Emblemes [electronic resource] / by Francis QuarlesQuarles, Francis, 1592-1644 Cambridge : Printed by R. D. for Francis Eglesfeild ..., 1643 相關連結
7 Liure d'armoiries en signe de fraternite [electronic resource] : contenant cent comparaisons de vertMontenay, Georgette de, 1540-ca. 1581 [Frankfurt] : Imprimes es frays de Iean Charles Vnckel Libraire a Francfort au Mayn, MDCXIX [1619] 相關連結
8 Stamm buch, darinnen Christlicher tugenden beyspiel/einhundert ausserlesener emblemata [electronic rMontenay, Georgette de, 1540-ca. 1581 Frankfurt am Mayn : Gedruckt in verlag Johann Carl Unckels/Buchhandlerszu Frankfurt am Mayn, Anno MDCXIX [1619] 相關連結
9 A booke of armes, or remembrance [electronic resource] : wherein ar one hundered godly emblemata, inMontenay, Georgette de, 1540-ca. 1581 [Frankfurt] : Printed by care, and charges, of Iohann-Carl Vnckels, a booke seller in Franckfurtt an Mayn, Anno MDCXIX. [1519] 相關連結
10 Philomythie, or, Philomythologie [electronic resource] : wherin outlandish birds, beasts, and fishesScot, Tho. (Thomas), fl. 1605 London : for Francis Constable at the white Lyon in Paules Churchyard, 1616 [i.e. 1622]. 相關連結
11 Philomythie or Philomythologie [electronic resource] : wherin outlandish birds, beasts, and fishes, Scot, Tho. (Thomas), fl. 1605 London : [Printed by Edward Griffin] for Francis Constable at the white Lyon in Paules Church:yard, 1616 相關連結
12 The second part of Philomythie, or Philomythologie [electronic resource] : Containing certaine talesScot, Tho. (Thomas), fl. 1605 Printed at London : [By Edward Griffin] for Francis Constable, 1616 相關連結

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