標題 (1-3 之 3)
Bible -- Inspiration -- Early works to 1800
1 Of the divine originall, authority, self-evidencing light, and povver of the Scriptures. [electronicOwen, John, 1616-1683 Oxford, : Printed by Henry Hall, printer to the University, for Tho: Robinson., 1659 相關連結
2 The principle of all principles concerning religion. Or The summe of certaine sermons [electronic reByfield, Adoniram, d. 1660 London : Printed by I. D[awson] for Nicholas Bourne, at the south entrance of the Royall Exchange, 1624 相關連結
3 The Scriptures proved to be the word of God, and the only foundation of faith, and rule for our obedTownsend, Sampson London, : Printed by S.G. for R. Tomlins at the Sun and Bible in Pye-Corner., 1654 相關連結

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