作者陳, 淑鈴,
書名美術館周邊之景觀設計創作研究 : 以師大美術館為例 = A research on the landscape design of the art museum surrounding : a case study of the NTNU Art Museum / 陳淑鈴撰
說明116面 : 部分彩圖, 彩色地圖, 部分彩色圖表 ; 30公分
附註指導教授: 許和捷
碩士 國立臺灣師範大學設計研究所 2021
參考書目: 面109-112
新時代的來臨美術館的發展趨勢, 空間體驗也不再侷限在室內展示, 空間功能逐漸延伸到建築外, 室內室外之間的界線模糊, 融入周邊環境結合發展, 美術觀戶外景觀不僅公共空間為傳遞文藝氣息的媒介, 也是美術觀展示的一部分, 新時代的美術館規劃已成為生活意義與社會教育的生活場所. 因此本研究創作目的主要探討美術館景觀與公共藝術之發展趨勢, 以此提供具有創新性的美術館周邊環境設計創作之參考依據. 本研究方法分為四個階段, 第一階段為個案分析搜集國內外美術館設計、景觀、建築、公共藝術等案例, 與師大美術館較為相似之建築、背景案例進行分析調查, 歸納比較成功之特點; 第二階段為專家訪談, 以師大美術館相關人員進行更深入地解剖美術館未來設計之發展與應具備考慮之設計重點; 第三階段為田野調查, 親自現場場勘實際觀察, 得取第一手資料, 了解基地特性及發掘基地之困境或盲點, 為後續設計擬定符合美術館周邊環境之設計規劃方案, 第四節段文獻分析找尋與本案相關之美術館、公共藝術、景觀等各個層面之未來發展與趨勢研究進行探討. 本研究創作論文概念發想是以師大地區的巷弄藝文文化與周邊環境之特點為切入, 將師大地區給予人的意象, 藝術、教育、環境、歷史等元素融合, 透過藝術轉化到建築形體上, 為本研究創作設計之構想, 藉此強化師大美術館周邊環境空間給人之意象. 本案研究結論透過滿意度問卷之回饋了解, 公共藝術式建築設計創作, 使用者滿意度均為正向的, 透過規劃過後的環境, 創造出具有都市指標性的環境, 建構師大區藝文園區, 定位出自身角色, 以藝術形式與大眾建起藝術橋樑, 建築本身為公共藝術的理念與精神, 給予人們對話與反思, 是本研究設計創作對於公共藝術式建築最好的體現, 也表示本研究設計創作有達到具有創新性並融合師大美術館空間設計創作之研究目的.
As a development trend of art museums in this new era, spatial experience is no longer limited to indoor displays. Spatial functions have gradually extended beyond the confines of the building. With the boundaries between indoor and outdoor spaces blurred, art museums have begun to integrate their surrounding environments for further development. Their outdoor landscapes not only function as a medium to deliver an artistic atmosphere, but also serve as a part of art museum exhibitions. In this new era, art museums have been planned as a place of everyday life for the meaning of life and social education. Based on this context, this study aims to explore the trends for the development of art museum landscapes and public arts, seeking to provide a reference for innovative design and creation of the surrounding environment of art museums. In terms of the research method, this study was divided into four stages. In the first stage, domestic and foreign cases of art museums which display relatively similar designs, landscapes, architectures, public arts, or other features to the National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) Art Museum were investigated and analyzed. Base on the analysis, the characteristics of more successful cases were derived. In the second stage, interviews with experts were conducted. The relevant personnel of the NTNU Art Museum were interviewed to further explore the future development of art museum designs and the focus of design considerations. In the third stage, field investigation was conducted. Through onsite observations, first-hand data were obtained to achieve a better understanding of the characteristics of the base as well as the challenges and blind spots for the base. In addition, design plans that accord with the surrounding environments of art museums were developed for subsequent projects. In the fourth stage, literature review was conducted to explore the future development and trends of art museums, public arts, landscapes, and other dimensions pertaining to this study. The concept of this research is based on the characteristics of the community art cultures and surrounding environments in the area of NTNU. By integrating art, education, environment, history, and other elements, this research transforms the impression of this area into an architectural form through art, thereby strengthening the image of the surrounding space of the NTNU Art Museum. The conclusions of this study are drawn on the basis of the results of a satisfaction survey. In terms of public art-style architectural design and creation, the results indicate positive user satisfaction. The best embodiments of public art-style architecture that this research demonstrates are manifested in the following aspects: Through the planning of the environment, this research creates an environment indicative of urban development, constructs an NTNU arts and culture district, discovers its role positioning, and builds a bridge with the public through art. The building itself reflects the concept and spirit of public arts, offering people a space for dialogue and reflection. These embodiments indicate that this research has successfully achieved innovative design and spatial integration for the NTNU Art Museum.
Outdoor landscape
Public art-style architecture
其他題名Research on the landscape design of the art museum surrounding : a case study of the NTNU Art Museum
Case study of the NTNU Art Museum
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