標題 (1-12 之 15)
War -- Religious aspects -- Early works to 1800
1 A briefe declaration to all the vvorld from the innocent people of God called Quakers [electronic reBayly, William, d. 1675 [London] : Printed for W.M., 1662 相關連結
2 The character of warre or the miseries thereof discected [sic] and laid open from scripture and expeWard, Richard, 1601 or 2-1684 London, : Printed for Iames Williams., 1643 相關連結
3 The illustrious Hugo Grotius of the law of warre and peace [electronic resource] : With annotations.Grotius, Hugo, 1583-1645 London : Printed by T. Warren, for William Lee, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the Turks-head in Fleet-street, M. DC. LIV. [1654] 相關連結
4 An extracte of the determination, and censure of the doctours of the vniversities of Salamanca and VZumel, Francisco, 1540-1607. [Salamanca : A. Tavernier, 1603] 相關連結
5 Gods three arrovves, plague, famine, sword [electronic resource] : in three treatises, I. A plaisteGouge, William, 1578-1653 London : Printed by George Miller for Edward Brewster, and are to be sold at his shop at Fleet-Bridge at the signe of the Bible, 1636 相關連結
6 Great Britain's warning-piece: or, Christ's tears over Jerusalem [electronic resource][London] : Printed for W. Thackery at the Angel in Duck Lane, [1688/1689] 相關連結
7 The office and duety in fightyng for our countrey [electronic resource] : Set forth with dyuerse strWalshe, Edward [Imprynted at London : In Aldersgate strete by Johannes Herford. At the costes and charges of Robert Toye dwellynge in Paules church yarde, at the sygne of the Bell], 1545 相關連結
8 A perfect relation of the most glorious and entire victory obtain'd by the Christian army [electroni[London : printed by N.T., 1687] 相關連結
9 A proud and blasphemous cahllenge [sic] given out in denuntiation of warre, by Amurath the great TurMurad I, Sultan of the Turks, 1326-1389 [London : s.n., 1643] 相關連結
10 Quæstio quodlibetica· [electronic resource] : An liceat stipendia sub principe religione discrepantSarpi, Paolo, 1552-1623 Excusum Cantabrigiæ : [By Thomas and John Buck], Ann. Dom. MDCXXX. [1630] 相關連結
11 The free schoole of vvarre, or, A treatise, vvhether it be lawfull to beare armes for the seruice ofSarpi, Paolo, 1552-1623 London : Printed by Iohn Bill, printer to the Kings most excellent Maiestie, 1625 相關連結
12 Scripture and reason pleaded for defensive armes: or The whole controversie about subjects taking upPalmer, Herbert, 1601-1647 London, : Printed for Iohn Bellamy and Ralph Smith at the signe of the three Golden Lions neare the Royall-Exchange, M.DC.XLIII. [1643] 相關連結

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