註記   條目
IEEE trans. ind. electron. (1963) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.  c1963 1
IEEE trans. ind. electron. (1982) : IEEE Industrial Electronics Society  c1982- 1
IEEE trans. inf. theory : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.  c1963- 1
IEEE trans. knowl. data eng : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers  c1989- 1
IEEE trans. mob. comput : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers  c2002- 1
IEEE trans. multimedia : IEEE Circuits and Systems Society  c1999- 1
IEEE trans. neural netw : IEEE Neural Networks Council  c1990- 1
IEEE trans. parallel distrib. syst : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers  c1990- 1
IEEE trans. pattern anal. mach. intell : IEEE Computer Society    1
IEEE trans. softw. eng : IEEE Computer Society    1
IEEE trans. syst. man cybern., Part A, Syst. humans : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers  c1996- 1
IEEE trans. veh. technol : Vehicular Technology Society    1

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